Eight students in Mrs. Prince's 3rd grade class earned their attendance backpack button! Congratulations!
10 days ago, Brenda Prince
Mrs. Prince’s 1st Quarter attendance button club kids!
We hope you enjoyed your Halloween and Red Ribbon Week! With the Holiday's fast approaching we would like to remind you that if you are in need of assistance with Thanksgiving or Christmas please fill out the following form. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1pShxNgKyiCUYFloO7YndHrUtH-8oawAaS1EE0uTKpRc/edit
10 days ago, Iron Springs Elementary
CHS Girls Basketball Camp for Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade starting this Saturday (Nov 2nd) from 9-10 am. Registration will happen on the first day of Camp.
11 days ago, Iron Springs Elementary
Basketball camp info
Reflections entries are due this weekend! The original deadline was November 1. We are actually able to provide a couple more days. Entries can be submitted through the weekend (November 3)!! Remember that all entries are submitted online at https://www.utahpta.org/ref If there are any issues, parents/guardians can reach out to the reflections committee. The local contact information can be found after you enter the entry submission page.
11 days ago, Iron Springs Elementary
We would like to remind you of an opportunity that can help students get ready for Kindergarten! This opportunity is available for all children with a birthday between 9/2/2019 and 9/1/2020
13 days ago, Iron Springs Elementary
waterford information
Red Ribbon week started off in our comfy pajamas and an assembly with some of the k-9 officers from the Iron County Sheriffs office, Jail and Highway Patrol. Students were able to see how the K-9 officer's have been trained to sniff out drugs and remove them from our neighborhoods, streets and highways. This years theme for Red Ribbon is Life is a Movie, Film Drug Free.
14 days ago, Iron Springs Elementary
Red Ribbon Week
red ribbon drug dog assembly
Middle Ages Day was a huge success! Our class learned so much about what it would be like to live in the Middle Ages and had so much fun practicing jousting and playing other games from that time period.
14 days ago, Bethaney Keate
Middle Ages Day
4th grade students had a blast during Middle Ages Day!
14 days ago, April Martin
Middle Ages Day
Cedar High Girls Basketball is hosting a basketball camp for all kids in Kindergarten-2nd grade! The first day of camp and registration is Saturday, November 2nd at 8:30 am at Cedar High.
16 days ago, Iron Springs Elementary
CHS basketball flyer
Red Ribbon Week is coming up this next week (Oct 28th - Nov 1st)!! Don't forget to wear your comfy PJ's Monday and check the flyer for each days Dress up Attire!
17 days ago, Iron Springs Elementary
red ribbon week
SUU is Sponsoring and even where all the proceeds with go to help homeless students in the ICSD. Please see the following fliers for more information on the event and a silent auction.
17 days ago, Iron Springs Elementary
Pumpkin Walk
silent auction
First Quarter has come to an end and it is time to celebrate those who were able to have perfect attendance. Students who had no more than 2 lates, 2 tardies and came to school everyday were able to receive a button. Mr. Jenkins and Mr. Grimm visited their classrooms to deliver the buttons and have a small celebration with the rest of the class
25 days ago, Iron Springs Elementary
mr grimm celebrating perfect attendance
Mr Jenkins celebrating perfect attendance
This week students have enjoyed some fun interactions with our Principal, Mr. Jenkins and Assistant Principal, Mr. Grimm. At the beginning of the week Mr. Grimm had lunch with one student from each grade whose name was drawn during our monthly Iron Assembly for showing extraordinary behavior. Ms. York's class has been reading a story about a boy in a kilt. Mr Jenkins visited their classroom to share with them his personal kilt that he has from Scotland. The students were able to feel the kilt and hear Mr. Jenkins speak to them with a Scottish accent.
25 days ago, Iron Springs Elementary
October lunch with a principal
mr jenkins in his kilt
mr jenkins in ms yorks class
Fall Break is coming up this weekend!! NO SCHOOL on Friday, October 18th and Monday, October 21st for Fall Break!
27 days ago, Iron Springs Elementary
Fall Break
Join us at our PTA Meeting on Monday @ 11:30. We would love to see you there!
about 1 month ago, Iron Springs Elementary
PTA Meeting
Mrs. Hartmann's first grade class had so much fun at the pumpkin patch! 🎃
about 1 month ago, Olivia Hartmann
pumpkin patch
TOMORROW morning Iron Springs Elementary is participating in the Walk & Roll. This will happen during student drop off. The normal routine can be chaotic; please be extra cautious and use the info below to help us put on a safe, fun event! -- Volunteer stations will be marked with blue and green balloons -- Busses will drop off to the SOUTH of the school on the east side of the street (see map); students will walk toward the school to the marked crosswalk to cross with the crossing guard -- Students can also remain on their bus to be dropped off as usual -- Parents can drop off as usual or are welcome to park and walk with your child (the church parking lot would be perfect) -- PLEASE use the marked crosswalk to cross 4050 W!!
about 1 month ago, Iron Springs Elementary
Walk and Roll
Did you know there is a parent portal through the State of Utah? This site has various resources for families. https://schools.utah.gov/parent/
about 1 month ago, Iron Springs Elementary
Parent Portal flyer
We need 3 helpers for Picture Retakes Thursday! Please sign up to help out. Thanks, PTA https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0849ABAC2FA5FF2-52125219-picture#/
about 1 month ago, Iron Springs Elementary
school picture retakes
Do you remember the carefree days when you were a child and were able to ride your bike or walk to school the first time? Our elementary schools are recognizing the national Walk, Bike and Roll to School Day on Oct. 9. This day gives students the opportunity to experience that excitement. The effort also is to raise awareness about active transportation, build healthier habits, promote safety and safe school routes, and strengthen community relations. We know that many students ride the bus to school. On that morning, bused students at East, Enoch, Fiddlers, Iron Springs, North and South elementary schools, will be given the opportunity to unload the bus at a designated spot and walk a short distance to school. Those who do not want to participate can stay on the bus. Escalante Valley, Parowan and Three Peaks elementary schools will recognize the day in a different manner due to safety concerns. At each school, law enforcement, PTA volunteers and city leaders will greet the students and offer them a sticker and granola bar. Safety tips will also be displayed. Please speak with your child about safety measures they should use whenever they walk, bike or roll.
about 1 month ago, Iron County Schools
Walk and Roll flyer