dr seuss week

Next week is Dr Seuss Week!  Iron Springs will be celebrating in a Seusstacular way with dress up days, a Seusstastic Lunch,  and Grown Ups and Donuts

2/26 Mon - Fox in Socks (Wear Silly socks or mismatched socks
2/27 Tues - Green Eggs and Ham (Wear the color green)
2/28 Wed - Wacky Wednesday (Wacky hair day)
2/29 Thurs - The Cat in the Hat (Wear your favorite hat)
3/1 Fri - Sleep Book (Wear your pajamas or comfy clothes)
   *  8 am - Grown Ups & Donuts!! Bring your parents, guardians, or favorite grown ups for a donut and milk 
     * Seusstastic Lunch!